Sunday, November 23, 2008

CRAZY IDEA: Think twice, before getting a loan

Starting your business without a loan sometimes is impossible, but always, AND I MEAN ALWAYS have a plan B and hopefully a plan C too.

ps. NEVER start a business, that you dont like. no matter how brilliant the idea is, you will never earn with a thing you're not passionate about.

good luck in crisis,


Saturday, November 22, 2008

13 ideas for fast extra income

Everybody needs a quick infusion of cash from time to time. These ideas bring in money fast, and many can also be done at flexible times, so it's easier to arrange child care with a friend or family member for free.

1. Have a garage sale. By using a few easy tricks, like posting fliers at grocery stores and Laundromats, making signs that can be seen from nearby busy streets and displaying your items in a department-store style, you can increase the amount your sale brings in. Find out how to earn more with Garage Sale 101 tips.

2. Sell on eBay. Books, CDs, unused sports or exercise equipment, clothing, novelty items7. Have a family car wash. Enlist your spouse, your kids and their friends on a Saturday to hold a car wash. Talk to local merchants who have parking lots and ask them to donate the space, or set up an assembly line on your street. By naming the event ("The Annual Jones Family Car Wash") and highlighting an upbeat family goal ("We use this car wash to pay for the kids' extracurricular school activities"), you give people a reason to join your cause.

8. Do gardening services. Mowing lawns is a perennial summer job for kids. If you have a mower, encourage your children to launch a business—or do it yourself. In addition, you can also weed or haul gardening rubbish to the dump (often garbage services won't remove it).

9. Provide man-with-van services. Or, in this case, woman with van (or truck). This service is great for people who need to move a single piece of furniture or for young people who don't have a lot of stuff. If you're able to do moves on your own or with a helper like a friend or spouse, you can position yourself as a mother's helper (a woman living alone might feel more comfortable having another woman moving something into or out of her home). If you don't have a lot of physical strength, your husband and a cousin, uncle or son can do the heavy lifting and you can take care of scheduling and follow-up. A small classified ad in the local paper is an economical way to advertise.

10. Get a paper route. While we often think of paper delivery as a job for a boy on a bike, all kinds of people pick up extra cash this way. Because papers are delivered in the morning, it's possible to complete a route before the regular workday starts, or before your kids are up. (Just make sure you catch up on your sleep by going to bed early at night!)

11. Dog walk and pet sit. Owners are always looking for reliable pet-care services. Plus, if you stay home with your kids during the day, a regular dog-walking gig is a great way to get everyone out of the house for some fresh air and earn extra money. Put the word out at pounds, the ASPCA, the local veterinarian's and dog runs. Be prepared to provide references from anyone you've ever sat for before. Learn how you can also turn pet sitting into a home business.

12. Babysit. To provide regular child care in your home, you'll often need to be accredited and registered with the state. But occasional babysitting in your home or someone else's is more straightforward. You might already babysit for friends for free, but by reaching out in your community you can find parents whom you would feel comfortable charging a reasonable fee
-- such as those belonging to common churches, PTAs or playgroups. Depending on your schedule, you can position yourself as a last-minute resource, a Saturday sitter while Mom does errands, a date-night sitter and so on.

13. Rent out a room. This option might take longer than some of the others listed here, but it can provide steady income for a set period of time, or even indefinitely. It might require that your kids share a bedroom or that you give up a family room in the house, so everyone in the family should be prepared for the changes. And of course care should be taken to pick carefully to ensure you get a trustworthy boarder. This is an especially good option if you live near a university or technical college. Eighteen- to 22-year-olds will more likely be fine renting a room with kitchen privileges than older people, and you'll be able to rent on a semester basis.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Become a politician


Here's a definition

1. a person who is active in party politics.
2. a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.
3. a person who holds a political office.
4. a person skilled in political government or administration; statesman or stateswoman.
5. an expert in politics or political government.
6. a person who seeks to gain power or advancement within an organization in ways that are generally disapproved.

Well, to say at least truth, its a bullshit, as we now. Start with your local goverment. Everybody knows, that politicians know a few books more, than a average Joe. Doctors, businesmen, e.c. But look at their pay for, one might say, doing nothing.
You will have an advantige, if you have, what i call "pretty name", and a little advertisment. Politicians allways will be on top, and why not you? Join somewhere.

Good luck in crisis,


Organize events!

Im doing this myself for a couple of years, and i must say, there's a money, hidden there:] I am musician myself, so i organize concerts at winter, in some mayor clubs in the city, and open air festival at summer. You can have look at it here:

(1) Set your goals

Be sure do some strategizing and set some goals before you begin. What is your mission? What is your strategy? How will an event fit with your strategy and other tactics? What specific goals do you want the event to achieve?

(2) Design the event

Try to design your event so that it will catch people's interest. Include an interesting speaker; a film or video; something fun such as an outdoors activity; maybe a potluck; a "gimmick" or symbolic action; etc. Ask yourself you can make your event fun and worthwhile for people to attend. Give your event a clear, short name that clearly says what the event is about.

Try to include interactive, participative and "unstructured" elements. What make all the effort involved in bringing people together if they don't get to interact and network? Will they learn much if they just sit and listen to "talking heads"?

Here's a starting point video about this:

Expert village has more usefull videos about this topic.



Thursday, November 20, 2008

Building skateboards.

In these times of crisis, every one of us must put our finances in our hands, not in hands of any others. I created this blog, to tell you people, what works, and what is not. ps. Sorry for the bad english, i haven't used to it.:]

Well, let's start with very simple, but good idea. Making a skateboards. No, really. I put this video to be your starting point for this idea. Its not hard or expensive and if you're related to skating yourself.. there is a free market left in that area.

You should also visit for inspiration. Those decks are beautiful.

Well, thats about it. I will post daily, about opportunities around us.